Project Description

Receive new likes on your photography Facebook page and get your existing fans to share your content with this highly versatile like & share marketing board.

If you’d like the decorative “Giveaway” header to say something else, you can easily double-click it in the Photoshop template and type your own words, such as “Like and Share” or “Share & Win”. (Please note that in the Canva template, this header is not editable because the font is not available.)

It works great on Facebook, but can also be used on Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and other social media channels where you promote your photography. Another great way to use this social media share & win template is to print it on cardboard and hand out to your clients after a shoot. It will be a great reminder for them to like your Facebook page and stay in touch while getting a chance to win a special prize!

All the text layers you see are editable, and all colors can easily be changed. Placeholders and clipping masks make it very easy for you to put your photo in the squares.

This social media / Facebook photography template measures 5″ x 5″, is made according to Miller’s lab standards but can also easily be printed at home, online or at your local office supply store.