If you’re a photographer looking to increase your income, build your portfolio, and attract new clients, then mini sessions and themed shoots might be just what you need. In this post, I’ll go over what mini sessions and themed shoots are, the benefits of offering them in your business, and how to get started. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting out, offering mini sessions and themed shoots can be a great way to showcase your skills and creativity, while also giving your clients something special and memorable.

First things first, what are mini sessions?

Think of mini sessions as the shorter, more affordable version of photoshoots. They’re perfect for busy families who want professional photos but don’t have the time or budget for a full photoshoot. These sessions usually last 30 minutes to an hour and usually include a smaller number of edited images than a full photoshoot. And the best part? Mini sessions can be offered at a discounted rate compared to a full photoshoot, making them super attractive to families on a budget.

But why should you offer mini sessions in your photography business?

More income: Mini sessions allow you to offer a more affordable option for clients while still making some money. You can offer a package with a set number of edited images or allow clients to purchase additional images at an additional cost.

Increased capacity: By offering mini sessions, you can book more shoots in a shorter amount of time. This means you can increase your capacity and make more money without increasing your workload.

New clients: Mini sessions can be a great way to attract new clients who may not have booked a full photoshoot in the past. By offering a more affordable option, you can entice these potential clients to try out your services and potentially book a full shoot in the future.

Building your portfolio: Mini sessions are a great opportunity to try out new poses, backgrounds, and lighting techniques and add to your portfolio. This can help you attract more clients and showcase your skills as a photographer.

But wait, there’s more! Themed shoots can also be a great addition to your photography business.

So, what are themed shoots?

Themed shoots are photoshoots that revolve around a specific theme or event. These could be holiday-themed shoots, like Valentine’s Day or Easter, or seasonal shoots, like autumn leaves or snowy landscapes. Themed shoots are a fun way to attract clients and stand out from the competition. Plus, they’re a great opportunity to get creative and try out new ideas!

Why would I consider doing them?

Here are some reasons to consider offering themed shoots in your photography business:

Attract new clients: Themed shoots can be a great way to attract new clients who are looking for something specific. For example, if you offer a Valentine’s Day mini session package, you’ll likely attract couples who are looking for professional photos to celebrate their love.

Increase income: Themed shoots can be a great opportunity to offer a higher-priced package and make more money. You can offer a package with a set number of edited images or allow clients to purchase additional images at an additional cost.

Build your portfolio: Themed shoots are a great way to add variety to your portfolio and showcase your creativity. You can try out new poses, props, and backgrounds to make each shoot unique.

Stand out from the competition: Themed shoots can help you stand out from other photographers in your area. By offering something different and unique, you’ll be more likely to attract clients who are looking for something special and memorable. Themed shoots can be a great way to showcase your creativity and offer your clients something that they won’t find with other photographers. Plus, by offering something unique and tailored to specific themes or events, you can appeal to clients who have specific interests or needs.

Offer something special: Themed shoots are a great way to offer your clients something special and memorable. Whether it’s a holiday-themed shoot or a seasonal shoot, these photoshoots can be a great way to create lasting memories for your clients.

Getting started

So, how can you get started with mini sessions and themed shoots in your photography business?

Determine your rates: Decide on a rate for your mini sessions and themed shoots that makes sense for your business. Consider factors like the length of the shoot, the number of edited images included, and any additional costs (like props or location fees). For example, you might charge $200 for a 30-minute mini session that includes 5 edited images, or $500 for a full hour-long themed shoot that includes 10 edited images and any necessary props or location fees.

Choose your themes: Determine which themes or events you’d like to offer mini sessions or themed shoots for. This could be holiday-themed shoots, like Valentine’s Day or Easter, or seasonal shoots, like autumn leaves or snowy landscapes. You can also consider offering themed shoots based on your clients’ interests or hobbies. For example, you might offer holiday-themed shoots for Valentine’s Day, Easter, or Halloween. Or, you could offer seasonal shoots, like autumn leaves or snowy landscapes. You could also consider offering themed shoots based on your clients’ interests or hobbies, like sports, music, or nature.

Promote your offerings: Once you’ve determined your rates and themes, it’s time to promote your mini sessions and themed shoots to your clients and potential clients. You could use social media to share a pretty marketing board around your session and perhaps even offer discounts to your followers. You could also use email marketing to send out newsletters with information about your mini sessions and themed shoots. You might also consider distributing physical flyers or brochures to local businesses or community centers. Be sure to include information about your mini sessions and themed shoots on your website and in your marketing materials, like business cards or brochures.

Gather any necessary props or equipment: Depending on the theme of your mini session or themed shoot, you may need to gather props or equipment to make the shoot a success. This could include things like holiday decorations, seasonal props, or any other special items that you think will enhance the shoot.

Mini sessions and themed shoots can be a great addition to your photography business. By offering these options, you can attract new clients, increase your income, and build your portfolio. So don’t be afraid to get creative and try out these marketing strategies in your business!

And if you want even more marketing tips and strategies for your photography business, be sure to check out Strawberry Kit’s “Done-For-You Marketing” playbook inside the monthly kits. With prewritten social media posts, marketing calendars, content ideas, and more, it’s the perfect tool to help you take your business to the next level. Get started with Strawberry Kit today.

Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash